I obtained my Ph.D. from Columbia University in 2023. I was advised by Prof. Henning Schulzrinne and affiliated with the Internet Real-Time Laboratory. My research interests include internet services and protocols, cyber-physical systems (internet of things), distributed computing, operating systems, and mission-critical communications systems and protocols. I received a Master's degree in Computer Science from the Czech Technical University in Prague and worked at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) in Berlin, Germany. Previously, I was a co-founder of Iptel.org GmbH, a FOKUS spin-off developing software for internet real-time multimedia services (acquired by Tekelec, now part of Oracle).

Outside work, I enjoy reading, hiking, running, and cross-country skiing. I thru-hiked the John Muir Trail in 2019.

What's New


My main research area is network services and protocols for cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), and multi-media network services. My research aims to enable self-managing IoT systems that automatically adapt to a changing environment and make automated decisions based on high-level programs and policies. I am also interested in developing programming abstractions for IoT applications that follow data, i.e., applications deployable to the network edge.

At Columbia, I supervise student projects at the undergraduate and graduate levels. I also occasionally mentor high-school students interested in computer science. Our paper on the design of a wireless networking lab won the Best Educational Paper Award at the Second GENI Educational and Research Workshop in 2013. I helped to design the homework assignments for the Advanced Programming.

Selected Publications

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